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Canon EF 400mm f/2.8 L IS III USM

50.482,00 zł

- Envío gratuito

- 180 días de garantía Incluída extendible.

- 100% funcional

- Ahorra hasta un 40% en comparación con los productos nuevos.

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Pairing a favoured super telephoto focal length with a bright f/2.8 maximum aperture, the EF 400mm f/2.8L IS III USM is a Canon L-series optic well-suited for outdoor, wildlife, and sports applications. This version III of this prized lens features a lighter weight design along with a sophisticated optical layout and updated handling capabilities. The fast maximum aperture enables extensive control over depth of field for isolating subjects using selective focus, and it also benefits working in difficult lighting conditions. Both Super UD and fluorite elements are used in the optical design to help reduce colour fringing and chromatic aberrations for high clarity and colour accuracy, and Super Spectra and Air Sphere Coatings have been applied to individual elements to suppress flare and ghosting for increased contrast and colour neutrality when working in backlit conditions.

What's included
  • Standard 6 month warranty
  • Canon 52mm Drop in Filter
  • Canon 52mm Drop-in Filter Holder
  • Canon E-180E Lens Cap
  • Canon EF 400mm f/2.8 L IS III USM Tripod Foot
  • Canon ET-155 (WIII) Lens Hood
  • Canon LS400 Soft Lens Case
  • Rear Lens Cap - EF Fit

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